• 26 November 2021

Testimonials wanted!

cercasi chef

Testimonials wanted!

Testimonials wanted! 810 450 cmdo

Ciao Pomodori is looking for dishes, kitchens and artisans passionate about tradition and innovation to best represent all the passion of Southern Italy at the dining table. Here’s how to become the new Ciao face for your region!

Ciao Pomodori is getting closer and closer to pizza makers, cooks and chefs who every day interpret all of Italy’s passion for good food and for the Prince of Made in Italy recipes: the tomato.

That’s why the new faces of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli can only be the artisans and enthusiasts who every day make Italy’s cuisine great and famous all over the world.

Here’s the identikit of the faces we’re looking for!

Italian chefs, cooks and artisans ready to let us into the kitchens of their restaurants and show us one of the specialties of the house in which basic ingredients and tomatoes exalt each other.

Our video staff will come on the spot to promote artisans, menus and restaurants.

Applying or participating in our initiative is simple. Just upload one or more stories on your Instagram profile and mention @ciaopomodori.

The video can be about the story of a tomato-based recipe, or a cooking philosophy, or an anecdote to tell the all-Italian passion of your restaurant for its tomato specialties.

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli will collect and share all these stories on its channels and its staff will select one dish and one restaurant per region that will be featured in videos to be shared and promoted on its channels.

Do you feel full of passion for Italy?

We are waiting for your video application through Instagram stories