Posts Tagged :

made in Italy

Saluti da Napoli
“Greetings from Naples: Ciao’s hold mail starts 1024 576 cmdo

“Greetings from Naples: Ciao’s hold mail starts

Would you like to be the protagonist of our messages in a bottle from the Campania sun? Take part in ‘Saluti da Napoli’ (Greetings from Naples), the new social media initiative of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli. Find out how here.

Opening a preserve tin from Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is like holding in your hands a thread connecting you to Naples, a postcard that comes directly from the Vesuvius. This is how the new social media initiative ‘Greetings from Naples’ was born.

There is a bit of Naples in anything which is authentic, true, simple, but well done. And thanks to our true tomato you can feel a little bit at home everywhere in the world, or celebrate your Neapoletanity slice simply with a dish.
Meatballs, pizza, pasta, vegetables, fish, meat – many are the traditional recipes that you can prepare with our preserves.

Why not share happy thoughts in this way?

This is how the ‘Greetings from Naples’ initiative was born.
To participate just take a picture with our products and your recipes and post it on Instagram with the hashtags #salutidanapoli and #ciaopomodori.
Every week we will choose one of the greetings received to make it the postcard that we will send to all our friends on Facebook and Instagram, resharing the pictures and the creations in them depicted.
It’s going to be fun! Ready?”

Gulfood 2020
Ciao is at Gulfood 2020 1024 576 cmdo

Ciao is at Gulfood 2020

The tour of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli starts again to continue introduce worldwide the prince of the Neapolitan cuisine: next stop will be in Dubai for Gulfood 2020, from 16-20 February 2020. Discover all the news from the Vesuvius sun at the Dubai Trade Center, Hall 2, Booth C2 34.

What we will find there?

The Vesuvius flavors will land in Dubai bringing again the scents of Vesuvius to the Arab countries.
Pizza and meatballs will be the great protagonists of the cooking shows held by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.

There will be two great Neapolitan stars.

Davide Civitiello will defend the colors of the White Art by preparing the most classic recipes of the tradition born under the shadow of Vesuvius: pizza marinara and pizza margherita together with some of the goodies that always enrich his cooking shows.

Ignazio Brancato of the Costa Beach in Ferrara will tell the art of meatballs – a Neapolitan specialty, but a typical dish of the Italian tradition too.

Do you want to find the Mediterranean scents of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli all over the world?

Follow us on our website and our Facebook page and if you are a professional send us a private message with your contact details (email, name and address of your professional activity and phone number) to get updated with our newsletter

Gulfood 2019
Ciao protagonist of the 15th edition of Gulfood 1024 536 cmdo

Ciao protagonist of the 15th edition of Gulfood

98,000 visitors, 5,000 exhibitors for 1 million square meter exhibition: these are the numbers of Gulfood 2019, the world’s biggest event for the Food & Beverage industry, that will take place at the Dubai World Trade Center and where Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli will be a protagonist. Come with us!

The F&B sector is a world in continuous evolution in which the Italian products absolutely take the center stage and this is something that should be proudly shown, especially when we talk about products such as tomato preserves, linked to the tradition of Southern Italy since ages.

Why Gulfood 2019?

It is precisely to tell the world the uniqueness of a specialty so closely intertwined to the history and the Made in Italy cuisine that the need is born to participate in events such as Gulfood that will go on until February 21st.
The tomato is produced in many countries in the world, but that of Vesuvius, due to the unique characteristics of its soil and climate, is inimitable. Besides, the processing method chosen by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli allows you to bring intact the taste of Campania to the table, thanks to fast preservation times and very high production standards 

What we will see at Gulfood 2019?

The 24th edition of the biggest kermesse dedicated to the Food & Beverage industry promises to be even richer in curiosity and initiatives.

Not only a focus on new technologies for the catering management and the reduction of food waste and wastefulness of resources, but a lot of attention too to the international cooking traditions, through master classes and cooking shows, including those dedicated to the White Art, as we call the flour art.

Ciao and the House of Pizza

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli will be one of the key protagonists of La Casa della Pizza – the House of Pizza – the heart of the White Art at the Dubai Trade Center.

The Hall 2, Stand C2 34 will host the craftsman heart that gather the 4 ingredients that make worldwide great the Neapolitan pizza.

The preserves of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, together with the Mulino Caputo’s flours, Olitalia’s oil, Sorì’s Mozzarella and the art of a Neapolitan pizza maker such as Davide Civitiello, will make you taste the greatness of a true intangible heritage of humanity.

Would you like to participate?

Do you want to discover the secrets of the Neapolitan spirit of Ciao and CMDO? Do you want to taste the unique pizzas that have made Naples great in the world?
Gulfood is open to professional visitors from 17th to 21st of February.

We are waiting for you!

la salsa per pasta e pomodoro
Pasta and tomato: a Neapolitan love story! 1024 536 cmdo

Pasta and tomato: a Neapolitan love story!

Tomato is certainly the main ingredient of Italian cuisine, but what makes it as a key symbol of the Peninsula is its marriage with PASTA. A marriage that has its roots firmly planted in the Neapolitan soil. Let’s find out why.

A fully-fledged prince

Thanks to its versatility, tomato can be matched with so many Italian dishes, from starters to desserts, from pizzas and focaccias to salads and appetizers.

Such an essential ingredient deserves cutting-edge preserving techniques as those of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli that allow it to come to the table as if it had just been harvested, regardless of the season.

A lucky marriage

Pasta has always been the main course that better represent the Italian passion for good cooking. And in the same way as for pizza – the other great Queen of Italian cooking – pasta too has its roots firmly planted in the history of the Parthenope’s city!

In fact, it is in Naples that the press and the draw-plate were invented, transforming the city into the pasta capital, spreading its preparation technique on an industrial level.

The history

And Naples is also where the historic marriage between sauce and macaroni was celebrated.

Celebrating it were two key chefs of the history of Italian cuisine, both Neapolitans, and their recipe books: Vincenzo Corrado in 18th century with his Cuoco Galante (the romantic cook) cookbook and  Ippolito Cavalcanti in 19th century with his Cucina teorica pratica (theoretical-practical cuisine) book.

Even the habit of pasta al dente is believed to be of Neapolitan origins and dates back to the maccaronari, the street vendors who sold the pasta courses in the city alleys, and that to save time and sell more were used to a brief cooking time!

The Neapolitan tradition

In short, the marriage between sauce and macaroni is of Neapolitan origin, just like the best products for your condiments, those of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.

Better, because thanks to its processing method the tomatoes are harvested and preserved within just a few hours, keeping all the scent of the Vesuvius land.

Better, because our products undergo strict controls both before and after the packaging, to ensure the quality that our craftsmen have been accustomed to for 40 years.

In a word, Naples is passion: the innovations, the recipes, the cult pasta courses and the best products of Italian cuisine were born under the shadow of Vesuvius!

controlli di qualità
How Ciao tomatoes’ quality comes to the table 1024 536 cmdo

How Ciao tomatoes’ quality comes to the table

Preserves of whole tomatoes and tomato juice: those are the only ingredients needed to get the quality of Ciao products, other than a rigorous method to assure that everything is done to perfection. Let’s find out together from where the certainty of bringing the Neapolitan summer to the table comes from!

Carefulness, checks and method – these are the 3 keywords of the production of Ciao.
Our tomatoes arrive in your kitchen whole, perfect, fleshy, shiny and firm, because they are canned just a few hours from the harvest, but also because they are accurately checked throughout the production process.

Let’s see together how much care Ciao takes to keep the promise of always bringing the Neapolitan summer to the table.

The first production chain check is obviously that which takes place in the fields,

through agreements with farming cooperatives and the constant monitoring of crops and quantities planted per hectare. Thanks to precise agreements, vegetables not complying with the standards are rejected.

Then there are factory controls throughout the entire production process.

Checks of the tomato color that has to be perfect, sorting the greener and yellow tomatoes to keep only the red tomatoes.
Checks of the measure, to assure size homogeneity.
Checks of the tomato integrity after peeling them.

The last check before canning is the handmade inspection entrusted to the farm experience of our ladies of Vesuvius,

who with their eyes and hands complete the work of the machines.

This last step shows how for an historic brand like Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli nothing can replace the human skills.

Ciao philosophy is a mix of hands and technology that uses innovation only as a means to make tradition safer.

La pizza napoletana in Oriente
Ciao and the Far Eastern side of the Neapolitan pizza 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the Far Eastern side of the Neapolitan pizza

Being at the service of the artisans of 91 countries means knowing how to interpret in a thousand ways the cultural nuances of the word Naples. What does it mean, for example, to be a Neapolitan pizza maker in China? Let’s find out together with our two artisans and special envoys: Angelo Tramontano e Maurizio Iannicelli.

Pizza is definitely the world most eaten dish, but also the most imitated, not always with versions faithful to the Neapolitan original.

The dream held by the ‘Disciplinare’ – the Official Specifications of the True Neapolitan Pizza – is to bring the White Art of the Vesuvius all over the world, through the right techniques and ingredients.

And to tell the world about the specificities of the tomato of Naples is precisely the aim of Ciao’s travels.

So, on the occasion of the Caputo Cup in Nanjing and of FHC China, we unleashed two artisans wearing the chef jacket of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, asking them to find out the state of the art of the pizza in the Far East.

Here is the travel diary of Maurizio Iannicelli of Pizzeria Napul’è and Angelo Tramontano of ‘O Sarracino.

What they think about the pizza in China?

“The Chinese people go crazy for Italian cuisine and especially for Neapolitan pizzas!” – tells us Maurizio Iannicelli of Pizzeria Napul’è – “Chinese pizza makers give great attention to the Neapolitan technique and to the quality of Italian products e there is a lot of passion from the enthusiasts and from simple gourmands who tend to identify the pizza with the ingredients – like Ciao tomatoes – as the only dressing for a true dish.

How is the working style of the Chinese pizza makers?

“Humble, clean, educated, with so much enthusiasm and desire to learn: this is the common portrait for the many Chinese pizza chefs we met on our trip to the Far East” – explains Angelo Tramontano of Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino – ” During the master classes we held in Nanjing, we touched with hand their great passion and the desire to get in touch with the Neapolitan culture, though also the knowledge of the specifics of the ingredients of our territory, like Ciao tomatoes.

So how would you describe the state of the (white) art in the Far East?

“APN, the many producers from Campania working on spreading the Neapolitanity, and the ‘Disciplinare’ of the true pizza are doing a lot to export the Neapolitan side of the pizza” – conclude Maurizio Iannicelli and Angelo Tramontano – “Of course, there are aspects still to refine, but thanks also to the new video technologies that bring nations closer, pizza ha restarted to speak Neapolitan in so many countries all around the of the world!

LSDM e Ciao a Copenaghen
LSDM and Ciao on the road to Copenhagen 845 445 cmdo

LSDM and Ciao on the road to Copenhagen



On October 29th, Copenhagen will host the last stop of the 2018 tour organized by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and LSDM – the International Congress of Signature Cuisine whose aim is to bring to the world the Mediterranean cuisine between pizza and Made in Italy ingredients. Let’s find out what will happen in Denmark!

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli will bring to Northern Europe the warmth of the pizza and the Neapolitan cuisine, and it will do this following itinerary of LSDM – the kermesse that aims to make discover the health and flavor benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
The tastings and the explicative demos will be embellished by the sweetness of the Vesuvius tomato during this Danish stop of the tour, too.

The journey

In the beginning, it was Paestum. Together with the caravan of LSDM, we left Campania to illustrate the sweetness of Ciao products through the harmonious matchings devised by chefs from all over Italy, demonstrating in the end an excellence of territory that knows no geographical boundaries.

The second stop was New York, with its dialogue between the Neapolitan pizza and American-style leavenings.

The third and last stop is the Brace Restaurant in Copenhagen (Teglgårdstræde, 8A), which on Monday 29th from 2.00 pm will host the latest Italian raid by LSDM.

The stage

But what will happen in Copenhagen?

5 laboratories will depict as many symbols of the Italian cuisine

● Prosecco DOC
● Pasta
● Extra virgin olive oil
● Coffee
● And of course the Tomato.

Representing the Italian cuisine ‘in red’ will be Nicola Fanetti, chef at Ristorante Brace, who will propose a fusion between Danish and Italian cuisine, in line with the philosophy of the owners.

The goal?

Demonstrate the great versatility of the Italian agrifood basket, with a particular attention to the judgment by foreign chefs.
What is important to emphasize is that the South Italian tomato is a product with unique organoleptic characteristics very different from products from other climates and other regions of the world: for this reason it deserves attention and protection.

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Ciao at Gulfood 2018

All sold out at the Dubai Trade Center for one of the most important events in the international food world: Gulfood. From February 18th to 22nd, Ciao will take part to this trade show with its stand dedicated to pizza fans and pizza gluttons. Come to discover the goodness of our products at Pavilion Hall1: Booth B1 -34.

This time we leave bound to Dubai!

Ciao will be part of the great Italian team that will tell the Middle East, and beyond, what truly means “to make a Neapolitan pizza”.

Pizza demonstrations, tastings of date tomatoes from Vesuvius and many curiosities about that a unique product that is the Campanian peeled tomato.
The event is, after all, a formidable stage for Italian food, much appreciated in Dubai – the United Arab Emirates is a country that truly loves and appreciate well-being and pleasures of life, boasting even a Ministry for Happiness!

All sold out!

The event at the Dubai Trade Center has already since long registered this year the sold out in terms of bookings, reflecting how much attention the international food of excellence attracts in the Middle East.
The 2018 edition will then be a really important stage for the Campanian tomatoes, the biggest ever.

Here are some numbers to better appreciate the event:

  • 120 pavilions
    97,000 participants
    185 countries

Once again, we of CMDO and Ciao will focus on telling the specifics of a product, the peeled tomato, that many try to imitate, but with little success.

Do you want to taste the pizzas made by our professionals of the White Art and find out what makes unique Ciao’s products?


Just fly to the Dubai Trade Centre


Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages to live with us the most beautiful emotions of this event.
Have a good trip and enjoy your meal!