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Ciao and the love for know-how in the brand’s new commercial 1024 536 cmdo

Ciao and the love for know-how in the brand’s new commercial

Ciao revolutionizes the concept of the canning industry with a new commercial dedicated to the love behind a job well done.
Discover what passion for excellence can do!

What is quality made of?

We’ve always told how the Ciao method mixes tradition with innovation in a production method rooted in the home culture of Southern Italy, but renovated with a touch of technological accuracy.

Accurate checks, a product selection that starts right from the field, incessant relationships with the entire supply chain, sample checks during the production process and after packaging.

This is what has been told so far and that will never change.
But behind a quality product there is much more.

There is the passion of a family that for generations has been nurturing the culture of Southern Italy and works to take the know-how of its South all over the world.
There is the pride of a close-knit group of workers who are aware that they are carrying on the tradition.

There is the warmth of Southern Italy, like that embodied by our “Ladies of Vesuvius”, the Campanian moms who look after our red gold, supervising the methodical work of the machines of our plant.

Why a new Ciao commercial?

Because we want to tell as CMDO focuses on the quality of the raw material, which is handled with the same care that is reserved for a family member.

Because we want to tell that we at Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli make our products together with those who choose the quality of Made in Italy and Made in the South, thinking that what will arrive in the pantries of artisans around the world must represent the pride of a country that in terms of food culture can and will always have its say.

Watch the video here

Ciao e Pizza World Masterclass
Ciao and Pizza World Master Class 810 450 cmdo

Ciao and Pizza World Master Class

Ciao wants to show how the Neapolitan pizza is an extremely popular dish and does so by becoming a partner of Pizza World Master Class, the master class about the Neapolitan homemade pizza which will be held in a streaming-only event on January 17th. Find out how to join in.
Imagine a team of excellent pizza-makers, a very famous pizzeria, the art of the Neapolitan pizza – now an UNESCO World Heritage, and excellent ingredients and you will have the mosaic of Pizza World Master Class, the master class about the Neapolitan pizza that will be held strictly online to comply with the current health regulations.
How to join?
Joining is very simple: you must register using the following links

The seminar

The seminar will be held directly in Pizzeria Sorbillo, one of the most important restaurants in Naples.
Gino Sorbillo, Alessandro Condurro, Davide Civitiello, Enzo Coccia, will take turns at the workbench and at the wood oven to explain how to realize the homemade version of the most eaten dish in the world.
Pizza World Masterclass will show you the secrets of kneading and handling the dough, guiding you from the rising to the baking, in a true portrait of the Neapolitan pizza with its greatest stars.

This seminar will give the opportunity to home cooks to make a perfect pizza at home. Focusing on the home version of the pizza and the fact that you can watch it comfortably from your home are the main differences from usual similar events.

Ciao knows how the importance to show the proper techniques of the art of the Neapolitan pizza as in accordance with the principles proposed by the trade associations. Too many are the attempts of imitation and mystification of a dish that remains and will always remain Neapolitan and popular in its DNA.
See you on January 17th, don’t miss it!

la salsa per pasta e pomodoro
Pasta and tomato: a Neapolitan love story! 1024 536 cmdo

Pasta and tomato: a Neapolitan love story!

Tomato is certainly the main ingredient of Italian cuisine, but what makes it as a key symbol of the Peninsula is its marriage with PASTA. A marriage that has its roots firmly planted in the Neapolitan soil. Let’s find out why.

A fully-fledged prince

Thanks to its versatility, tomato can be matched with so many Italian dishes, from starters to desserts, from pizzas and focaccias to salads and appetizers.

Such an essential ingredient deserves cutting-edge preserving techniques as those of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli that allow it to come to the table as if it had just been harvested, regardless of the season.

A lucky marriage

Pasta has always been the main course that better represent the Italian passion for good cooking. And in the same way as for pizza – the other great Queen of Italian cooking – pasta too has its roots firmly planted in the history of the Parthenope’s city!

In fact, it is in Naples that the press and the draw-plate were invented, transforming the city into the pasta capital, spreading its preparation technique on an industrial level.

The history

And Naples is also where the historic marriage between sauce and macaroni was celebrated.

Celebrating it were two key chefs of the history of Italian cuisine, both Neapolitans, and their recipe books: Vincenzo Corrado in 18th century with his Cuoco Galante (the romantic cook) cookbook and  Ippolito Cavalcanti in 19th century with his Cucina teorica pratica (theoretical-practical cuisine) book.

Even the habit of pasta al dente is believed to be of Neapolitan origins and dates back to the maccaronari, the street vendors who sold the pasta courses in the city alleys, and that to save time and sell more were used to a brief cooking time!

The Neapolitan tradition

In short, the marriage between sauce and macaroni is of Neapolitan origin, just like the best products for your condiments, those of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.

Better, because thanks to its processing method the tomatoes are harvested and preserved within just a few hours, keeping all the scent of the Vesuvius land.

Better, because our products undergo strict controls both before and after the packaging, to ensure the quality that our craftsmen have been accustomed to for 40 years.

In a word, Naples is passion: the innovations, the recipes, the cult pasta courses and the best products of Italian cuisine were born under the shadow of Vesuvius!

controlli di qualità
How Ciao tomatoes’ quality comes to the table 1024 536 cmdo

How Ciao tomatoes’ quality comes to the table

Preserves of whole tomatoes and tomato juice: those are the only ingredients needed to get the quality of Ciao products, other than a rigorous method to assure that everything is done to perfection. Let’s find out together from where the certainty of bringing the Neapolitan summer to the table comes from!

Carefulness, checks and method – these are the 3 keywords of the production of Ciao.
Our tomatoes arrive in your kitchen whole, perfect, fleshy, shiny and firm, because they are canned just a few hours from the harvest, but also because they are accurately checked throughout the production process.

Let’s see together how much care Ciao takes to keep the promise of always bringing the Neapolitan summer to the table.

The first production chain check is obviously that which takes place in the fields,

through agreements with farming cooperatives and the constant monitoring of crops and quantities planted per hectare. Thanks to precise agreements, vegetables not complying with the standards are rejected.

Then there are factory controls throughout the entire production process.

Checks of the tomato color that has to be perfect, sorting the greener and yellow tomatoes to keep only the red tomatoes.
Checks of the measure, to assure size homogeneity.
Checks of the tomato integrity after peeling them.

The last check before canning is the handmade inspection entrusted to the farm experience of our ladies of Vesuvius,

who with their eyes and hands complete the work of the machines.

This last step shows how for an historic brand like Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli nothing can replace the human skills.

Ciao philosophy is a mix of hands and technology that uses innovation only as a means to make tradition safer.