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Gallery Napoli Pizza Village 2019
Napoli Pizza Village 2019: The photo report 1024 536 cmdo

Napoli Pizza Village 2019: The photo report

In the 2019 edition of the Napoli Pizza Village, Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli gave the rightful place not only to the artisans, supplying them with a plenty load of 15,000kg of product for all the treats of the event, but to the pillars of its production too: the ladies of the Vesuvius who every day they work to bring the excellence of Southern Italy to the world. Here is the photo report of an evening as first ladies.

A truly exceptional evening took place during the 2019 edition of the Napoli Pizza Village: a party within a party!


The Big Family of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli gathered around the dining table: a symbol of the Neapolitan conviviality, with a great desire to party.

The table was naturally set with the best Neapolitan pizzas: these of the Napoli Pizza Village, baked by the artisans of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.

Ciao is a company that puts technology at the service of tradition. And this is why our workers are essentials: they represent the popular experience that cannot be separated from innovation.




And with their smiles they made the pizza party par excellence even more special, as every day their truthfulness makes our company a big family.


Ciao si prepara al Napoli Pizza Village 2019 1024 1024 cmdo

Ciao si prepara al Napoli Pizza Village 2019

Dal 13 al 22 settembre, prenderà il via un nuovo appuntamento con il Caputo Napoli Pizza Village, la più grande vetrina partenopea sul mondo della pizza napoletana. Anche quest’anno Ciao si conferma tra gli sponsor della manifestazione, preparandosi a diventare il pomodoro ufficiale della kermesse e del Campionato Mondiale del Pizzaiolo che decreterà il miglior artigiano dell’arte bianca del 2019.

Mentre si definisce al meglio il calendario di appuntamenti, Ciao continua a dedicarsi instancabile alla produzione 2019, anch’essa protagonista del Napoli Pizza Village di quest’anno con l’iniziativa Ci vediamo al campo che vedrà pizzaioli provenienti da tutti il mondo, ospiti sul “campo” della Compagnia Mercantile d’Oltremare. Un viaggio che parte dagli Stati Uniti, Taiwan, Corea e arriva fino ai campi agronocerini per toccare con mano il pomodoro più buono che ci sia.

Dopotutto, la materia prima d’eccellenza è alla base di una kermesse così importante che vedrà, come ogni anno, impegnate circa 50 pizzerie con oltre 120.000 pizze sfornate.

Seguite tutti gli aggiornamenti sui canali social ufficiali di Ciao: vi aspettano giornate ricche di eventi, buon cibo, tradizione e divertimento.

Vi aspettiamo al Lungomare Caracciolo a partire dal 13 settembre!

Pizzeria Pummarò
Ciao and the specialties of Pummarò at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pummarò at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Attilio Albachiara is a pizza enfant prodige, like so many young Neapolitans who are hungry for life and find alternating themselves between homework and dough lessons. Following the family tradition, Attilio started to work with his father in his pizzeria when he was only 12 years old.
His motto today is: “Quality is our strength; making pizzas is our vocation”, and with the same wisdom he tells us about the next Napoli Pizza Village.

– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
My special pizza is a red one and it is the ‘Parmigiana’, which is a Margherita pizza dressed with eggplant parmesan.
– Which tomato you will use for your pizza?
For the Parmigiana I use the tomato puree.

– Why did you choose this pizza to represent you at NPV?
The eggplants are one of the jewels of my menu. Pummarò’s customers go crazy for them in every possible way and they can eat up to 15-20 kg of eggplants per week.
– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
This is the third time that I take part to the event and I hope that the friends who come to visit us will notice the quality and passion of our workmanship, because there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing the satisfaction of those sitting at my table.

Pizzeria Da Gennaro
Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Da Gennaro at Napoli Pizza Village 2017. 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Da Gennaro at Napoli Pizza Village 2017.

A grandfather who fried pizzas on the street and then decided to move to Bagnoli, already a tourist destination in the far 1956: This is how begins the story of Pizzeria Da Gennaro, a story about pizza since four generations.
For Fabio Cristiano – the founder’s grandson – pizza is home as it is the White Art village on the waterfront.
Here’s what he told us about his Napoli Pizza Village.

– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
For this edition of the Napoli Pizza Village, I chose to sum up the philosophy of Pizzeria da Gennaro with a specialty with pesto and cherry tomatoes. The matching with basil pesto exalts the whole summer flavor.

– Which tomato will you use for your pizza with pesto?
The cherry tomatoes from Mount Vesuvius.

– Why did you choose this pizza to represent Pizzeria Da Gennaro at NPV?
Basil and cherry tomatoes are two fresh and seasonal products suitable for these first hot days. The culinary philosophy of our pizzeria favors a great deal of attention to the ingredients – just consider that all the semifinished products used in our pizzeria is prepared in our kitchens: even our basil pesto!

– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
The Naples Pizza Village is above all a great party. I expect so much positive energy – an energy we all need, even our Naples!

Pizzeria 'O Sarracino
Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria ‘O Saracino at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria ‘O Saracino at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Maybe not everyone knows that just over 10 years ago the Neapolitan pizza tradition was almost unknown in the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area, in the Province of Salerno. The only news that you could heard about came directly from Naples. This situation ended with the birth of Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino, which brought to Nocera Inferiore the first example of pizza patterned after the lessons of the Neapolitan school. The credit of “spreading the good word” goes all to the Tramontano brothers, owners of the pizzeria, and that will be at the Napoli Pizza Village 2017.

Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino is very young, but encompasses centuries of tradition. What is its secret?

‘O Sarracino was born in 2007, from an idea of ​​me, Angelo Tramontano, and of my brother Giuseppe. At that time, the true Neapolitan pizza was not known in the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area as it is today. ‘O Sarracino had the instinct of studying it and bringing it to Nocera, bearing in mind what I think is the perfect model, that of Michele ai Tribunali.

What parameters did you follow?

We specialized ourselves in the classic pizzas. Bearing in mind Michele’s model, we tried to reproduce the Magherita and the Marinara pizzas – the two great classics which are the pizzas par excellence – according to the rules prescribed by the TGS specifications. Until then, pizzas in Nocera were made with a long cooking – longer than a minute and a half – and had a diameter of 35 cm, while our Margherita and Marinara pizzas follow the lesson of the great masters, with a leavening of at least 8 hours, and a 60-second baking in oven. Following this method we brought the true Neapolitan pizza to our area.

You teach us that making pizzas is a pure science, but what is the secret to make this science an artwork? How will you dress your doughs?

You are absolutely right! The pizza maker can never let his guard down and must keep himself constantly up to date. For my pizzas I always choose a classic: the peeled tomatoes from Ciao Pomodori. For ten years I’ve been using this brand, a choice that I confirm for the Pizza Village, too.

And about the Pizza Village, what vibrations do you have for this edition?

This is the fifth time that I take part to the Pizza Village. I remember when we were only 20 pizzerias at the Mostra d’Oltremare exhibition center. Now this number has more than doubled and we are about 50, creating a rich contest that offers a great opportunity to compete. And numbers over the years are an indication of how these events have become of exponential importance. Each edition has been difficult for us, because we “foreigners” had to prove to be up to the level of the great Neapolitan masters. And each year, it has always been an unexpected success, and I really hope to succeed again this year, too.

Which great novelties ‘O Sarracino’ has set aside for NPV?

This year we propose a new pizza: we looked for to capture the summer flavor. I called it ‘Sorrento in your mouth’. Its characteristic is that it is seasoned with tomatoes of Sorrento that I personally make in pulp, to which we add buffalo ricotta and the very special mozzarella cheese ‘zizzona di Battipaglia’.

Michele Leo
The recipe for pizza from a World Champion by Michele Leo 845 445 cmdo

The recipe for pizza from a World Champion by Michele Leo

The Caputo Trophy has a brand-new Pizza Champion: Michele Leo from Pizzeria Il Brigante in Venosa. 1st classified for the TSG pizza category – thanks also to Ciao’s tomatoes – he is the best pizza maker to which ask the secrets of a podium pizza.

52 years old, with an entire life spent for its trade, working his way up the ladder as a pizza maker after emigrating in Germany, and so much passion for pushing out ever further. This is Michele Leo. Pizza maker with 33 years of experience in searching for excellence. Attempt after attempt, his search has led him to the White Art’s highest peak.

But what are the tricks to make the best pizza in the world? Here’s Michele Leo’s recipe.

“The first ingredient to put into the dough is the heart, the passion that drives you to seek the utmost both from yourself and from the raw materials you choose” – we are told by the ‘Brigante’ (Brigand) of Venosa.

Leo knows that very well, as he has opened his pizzeria only 9 years ago, after going far and wide through Italy, hunting for work experiences to put himself to test.

“The second step in this ideal recipe is the search for quality, especially in the choice of ingredients, but also in the whole production process” – continues the new Caputo Trophy’s champion – “I always look for excellence products”.

Besides, our Michele is a practical man, of the old school, who demanded from his son, Rocco, to learn the pizza maker’s trade, but at the same time to continue also to study, so to evolve personally and find his way.

“The third and final step is commitment. No award has to be enough to extinguish the urge to push beyond the achieved results.”

As a proof of his stubbornness, to those who asks him how his life will no change, Michele Leo only answers with a laconic: “We will see”.

Pizzeria Lucignolo
Ciao and the specialties of Lucignolo at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Lucignolo at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Pino Celio of Pizzeria Lucignolo comes from a family of pizza makers. In Celio’s home, you breathe the scent of fried pizza emerging from hot oil from the time of his grandmother, which herself was a pizza maker for passion, too.
This young artisan has already gone a long way and he can already boast a remarkable award at the Caputo Trophy, having won the first place for the ‘Pizza in Pala’ category during the 2016 edition of the Napoli Pizza Village.
And just like Lucignolo, Pinocchio’s friend who enjoys life in Toyland, Pino Celio summarizes his successes made of tradition and innovation with a motto that says it all: “Amaze, and always amaze”.
After the black pizza that made a splash during the NPV 2015 and the oven-fried pizza with Neapolitan meatballs of the 2016 edition, here is how Lucignolo tells us about his NPV 2017.
– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
My red proposal is a pizza marinara with Cetara anchovies and anchovy sauce.
– Which tomato you will use for your pizza marinara?
The classic peeled tomato with tomatoes from Mount Vesuvius, as prescribed by the TSG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed) pizza specifications.

– Why did you choose this pizza to represent you at NPV?
The pizza marinara with Cetara anchovies brings together Naples and the Amalfi Coast, the places I have chosen for my two pizzerias, as I have a second pizzeria in the province of Salerno. Additionally, combining a classic recipe with anchovy sauce is part of the mix of tradition and innovation that has always been my work philosophy.
– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
This is the most important pizza festival in the world, and I hope that it will help us to make known the research and the passion behind our work as pizza makers. I hope also to win more awards, as I will compete for the Caputo Trophy.

Pizzeria Napoli 1820
Ciao is the tomato of the special pizza of Napoli 1820 at NPV2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao is the tomato of the special pizza of Napoli 1820 at NPV2017

Antonio Caiazza opened his ‘Napoli 1820’ after taking over a preexisting restaurant, but without breaking its continuity. His restaurant is ideally dedicated to Ferdinand I of Bourbon, a lover of taverns and simple cuisine and turns out pizzas completely focused on the search for the perfect ingredient, but also sea dishes.
Maneuvering skillfully between different gastronomic styles, here is what our artisan of Via Gramsci in Naples tells us of his Napoli Pizza Village 2017.
– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
My special pizza is exactly the Napoli 1820 – with buffalo ricotta, shavings of parmesans, provola cheese from Agerola and tomato – which fully represents the philosophy of my restaurant.

– Which tomato you will use for your pizza Napoli 1820?
Yellow datterini tomatoes and San Marzano tomatoes.

– Why did you choose this pizza to represent you at NPV?
I chose Napoli 1820 because it is one of the most popular specialties of my menu and I hope to make it known to the many pizza lovers who appreciate the choice of ingredients of excellence that has always been the founding basis of the philosophy of my restaurant.
– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
The Napoli Pizza Village is most important pizza showcase in the world. This is the fourth time that I take part in it and I hope that this edition will be the richest of friends ever!

Pizzeria Dal Guappo
Ciao and the specialties of Dal Guappo at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Dal Guappo at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Pizza is a superlative pleasure. It is more and more an essential necessity for the tradition-hungry palates. It is so much essential that a simple gluten intolerance must not prevent from enjoying it. Marco Amoriello, three times World Champion for gluten-free Neapolitan pizza, knows all this very well. From Saturday, June 17th, he will be with his trademark “Dal Guappo” on the waterfront of Lungomare Caracciolo for the Napoli Pizza Village.

When Pizzeria Dal Guappo was born and what are its specialties?

Dal Guappo is a gastronomic reality that exists since 1988. The pizzeria, which at the Napoli Pizza Village will represent the area of ​​Benevento, is located in the municipality of Moiano. This is a project strongly wanted by me, Marco Moriello, and to which I have devoted myself with passion for the last 29 years.
Banner of our brand is the gluten free pizza. Gluten-free dough has become our ideal trademark and pride since the nineties and Dal Guappo has been three times crowned as World Champion in this category.

What is the origin of this particular specialization?

In our family, and in our team, we have some cases of celiac disease. However, love for taste and pizza has managed to overcome any obstacle. And so we have tried, and found, the right formula to let even gluten-intolerants to have the opportunity to eat a pizza of excellence. This introduction lets us imagine that your legendary gluten free pizza will be certainly among the specialties you will bring to the Lungomare Caracciolo. Yes, exactly. We will show our “thoroughbred” at the Napoli Pizza Village. Between the 50 ovens on the waterfront, one is there specifically to bake gluten-free pizza: that will be mine.

Which products did you choose to dress your pizza?

We mostly want to exalt the tradition, so we chose the Margherita pizza as queen of the event. The stock of seasoning is ready and, as prescribed by the TGS pizza specifications, I will use the San Marzano classic tomato from Ciao Pomodori.

Considering those premises, how do you imagine the Napoli Pizza Village that is already around the corner?

The Napoli Pizza Village is a national-level event. The square is a dish that delights, but also an artwork. There will be plenty of true lovers of pizza, and I hope that each of them will be able to satisfy their needs, having fun in the wonderful setting of the Gulf of Naples.

Pizzeria Nanà
Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Nanà 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Nanà

A story that has the flavor of love, that of Silvio Zingarelli of Pizzeria Nanà: love for his Naples, for the dish that most represents this land and for the values of the past.
Pizzeria Nanà is a young pizzeria. After working lengthy his way up in the historical city center of Naples, Silvio Zingarelli decided to devote himself body and soul to the study of the pizza, and in 2010 he opened his own pizzeria to which he gave the name of his daughter, Nanà!
With the same passion, the pizza artisan of Via Biscardi in Poggioreale tells us about his Napoli Pizza Village.

-What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
I have chosen two tasty varieties very different between each other: one white and one red, to please everyone! The red one will be the classic pizza Margherita, while the white one will be a novelty with ricotta and provola cheese, enriched with Neapolitan taralli.

-What kind of tomato will you use for your pizza Margherita?
The classic peeled tomato as prescribed according to the TGS pizza specifications.

-Which of the two specialties represents better the spirit of Pizzeria Nanà?
Certainly the pizza Margherita, because when we talk about pizza, the Margherita is the true love of all Neapolitans and my pizzeria has a genuine and popular heart.

-What do you expect from this 2017 edition of Caputo Napoli Pizza Village?
I hope this Pizza Village will be an even more powerful showcase, not only to let us to be known abroad, but also to give light to the neighborhood pizzerias!