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Pizza Village
Ciao il pomodoro di Napoli sponsor del Pizza Village 810 450 cmdo

Ciao il pomodoro di Napoli sponsor del Pizza Village

Dal 17 al 26 giugno Ciao – il pomodoro di Napoli sarà ancora una volta uno dei protagonisti principali del Napoli Pizza Village come brand sponsor della manifestazione. Si prospetta un’edizione 2022 all’insegna della voglia di stare insieme e della cultura della mediterraneità. Ecco cosa accadrà!

Ciao il pomodoro di Napoli riparte dalla città della pizza per dare centralità all’arte del pizzaiolo, patrimonio immateriale dell’umanità e da sempre focus della sua vision.

E proprio Napoli e il Pizza Village saranno l’occasione per mostrare al mondo le novità del 2022. Del resto ogni anno più di 1 milione di visitatori  riempiono il lungomare partenopeo nei giorni della kermesse.

Cosa accadrà?

Per prima cosa sarà dato grande spazio al nuovo look e al nuovo logo che rendono sempre più al passo coi tempi l’amore per la tradizione che caratterizza la filosofia di Ciao – il pomodoro di Napoli.

L’altra novità è la sempre maggiore attenzione del brand alla sana alimentazione e alla dieta mediterranea , frutto di una green policy sempre più stringente.

Proprio per questo all’interno dello stand Ciao, che si troverà al centro della rotonda Diaz, verrà allestito un percorso multimediale che avrà per titolo “Il re della Dieta Mediterranea”. All’interno dello spazio  una raccolta di contenuti video racconterà tutte le sfumature di quel piccolo miracolo del Mezzogiorno che è ancora “fare i pomodori”, seppur con l’ausilio della tecnologia al servizio della qualità!

All’interno dello stand Ciao, si parlerà naturalmente di pizza, di alta cucina, della tecnologia che sta dietro ogni latta e ci sarà spazio anche per la cultura della convivialità con una raccolta di fotografie a tema pizza direttamente dal pubblico del Pizza Village. Basterà infatti scattare una foto durante i giorni della festa che faccia pensare alla pizza napoletana e pubblicarla sul proprio feed Instagram con l’hashtag #ciaopomodori per rivedersi sui monitor del nostro stand!

TuttoPizza 2022: un appuntamento irrinunciabile per chi fa business con il settore pizza e Horeca 810 450 cmdo

TuttoPizza 2022: un appuntamento irrinunciabile per chi fa business con il settore pizza e Horeca

TuttoPizza torna alla Mostra d’Oltremare  a Napoli, dal 23 al 25 maggio 2022  per dare visibilità all’intera filiera del mondo pizza. Ciao – il pomodoro di Napoli sarà protagonista dell’evento con masterclass e possibilità di degustazione al Padiglione 6 stand 680.

Una fiera unica del suo genere; il primo evento dedicato completamente al mondo della pizza nella sua città d’origine. Questa è la TuttoPizza: un evento allo stesso tempo di respiro internazionale e locale.

CMDO non poteva mancare a TuttoPizza con il suo marchio storico Ciao – il Pomodoro di Napoli:

  • Portavoce della cultura della pizza napoletana in Italia e nel mondo da oltre 40 anni.
  • Fondatore dell’iniziativa che ha ottenuto dall’ Unesco il riconoscimento di Patrimonio Culturale dell’Umanità dell’arte del pizzaiuolo napoletano.
  • Promotore del marchio IGP del Pomodoro pelato di Napoli con il suo CEO e Fondatore Lino Cutolo

Questi alcuni degli aspetti della nostra mission che legano Ciao il pomodoro di Napoli a questa IV edizione di TuttoPizza.

Ciao – il pomodoro di Napoli sarà presente all’evento non solo con un suo spazio, ma anche con assaggi innovativi di pizza fritta contemporanea,.

Le specialità all’assaggio saranno realizzate da Raffaele Di Stasio della Pizzeria Verace Assaje, Campione del primo reality show sulla pizza: Master Pizza Champions.

Altro appuntamento da non perdere: una masterclass sugli aspetti tecnici legati al mondo del pomodoro pelato e del suo impiego sulla pizza napoletana condotta da Corrado Manna .

Vi aspettiamo alla Mostra D’Oltremare al Padiglione 6 – Stand 680.

Pizza Senza Frontiere
Ciao in Rome for “Pizza senza frontiere”! 810 450 cmdo

Ciao in Rome for “Pizza senza frontiere”!

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is always at the side of Italian and international pizza makers to hold high the flag of pizza excellence. The next stop of this mission will be on April 25-26 at the Polo Fiere in Rome for Pizza Senza Frontiere, the first world challenge between artisans of the year.
Here’s what awaits us

2 days of challenges
10 categories in competition
250 competitors
400,000 square meters of kermesse
These are the numbers of an event that will involve the key international players of the food industry, and among them obviously Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, since the Neapolitan pizza will be one of the most fascinating categories of this two-day event.

The 10 challenges will cover

– Roman-style tray pizza
– Peel pizza
– ‘Al mattarello’ round pizza
– Four-hand pizza on Roman specialties
– Surprise pizza – Mystery box
– Classic pizza
– Neapolitan pizza
– Pizza by the meter
– Pizza freestyle, single
– Pizza freestyle, team

Pizzas will be judged based on:

– their baking
– taste/matching
– appearance
The judge at the oven will evaluate the dexterity/cleanliness/handiness/manner of working giving a score from 1 to 100.

All first place winners in each category will join the final match of Master Pizza Champions, the first talent show dedicated to the White Art of baking.

There will also be 3 category prizes.

Pizza in pink: for the woman pizza chef who will receive the highest score in one of the competition categories.

Emerging pizza chef: for the under 30 pizza maker with the absolute highest score in any of the competitions.

King of Roman Pizzas: awarded to the pizza maker who will get the best overall result as the sum of the scores of the different competitions involving Roman pizzas (tray, peel, ‘al mattarello’ round pizzas).

All we have left to do now is to wish the best of luck to all competitors and wait for the names of the next champions!

Follow us on our social media to meet them!

Ciao at Gulfood ’22 810 450 cmdo

Ciao at Gulfood ’22

Gulfood ’22 goes on. Lots of surprises, lots of pizzas and lots of Neapolitan and Made in Italy excellence. Here’s what awaits us during these days at the World Trade Center Za’abeel – Hall 4 Stand Z4 – F34

A great all-pizza based excitement – this is Gulfood 2022.

The 4 pillars of the Neapolitan White Art – Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, Mulino Caputo, Sorí and Olitalia – have joined their forces to create the House of Pizza.

What is the House of Pizza?

A temple dedicated to Made in Italy excellence just in the heart of the Dubai World Trade Center.

Hundreds of Neapolitan specialties seasoned with Ciao tomatoes, Olitalia olive oil, and Sorí mozzarella, and made with Mulino Caputo flours will be taken out of the oven in our House of Pizza at Gulfood till February 17th.

Simone Fortunato of Pizzeria Diaz will be the event champion and will delight us with Neapolitan classics: Margherita and Marinara.

Great excitement too for his famous Neapolitan meatballs seasoned with ragout made with Ciao tomatoes.

The sweetness of Ciao tomatoes from Vesuvius is a plus that, together with the meat flavor, makes the sauce really tasty.
This way, the meatballs of Pizzeria Diaz bring together the mastery of the traditional recipe and the excellence of a condiment with the right acidity, flavor and consistency.

We will also be able to appreciate the skills of Vincenzo Capuano that will offer us a breath of contemporary White Art.

If you want to dive into a sea of Neapolitanity, you just have to come and see us: you will certainly have a taste of the most authentic and tasty dishes of all time!

Pizza Village
Pizza Village and Ciao: back to Naples 810 450 cmdo

Pizza Village and Ciao: back to Naples

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli continues its tour to tell the world about the ancient Neapolitan recipe of the truest pizza and does so as the protagonist of Pizza Village, obviously in a safely manner as required by these social distancing times. Here is the road map of the journey and the next stages.

Ciao is at the forefront of the new Napoli Pizza Village format too: Pizza Village Home, which aims to bring a slice of Naples to the whole world, always in full safety!
Ciao’s role has been and will continue to be that of the official tomato of the veracity of Neapolitan pizza in all the stages of its world tour.

Palermo and
New York
These are the routes covered so far by the delivery version of the pizza format that combines tradition and innovation.
Tradition is that of a simple and ancient recipe just as simple and ancient as are the ingredients used to make it. Innovation is that of a different way of telling the story, wherever it is enjoyed through new ways of interaction.

However, after so much going around, now is time to return home, to Naples.
The new leg of the tour, the most eagerly awaited, will therefore be the capital of Campania, on June 3-6.

Vincenzo Capuano
I Re di Napoli
Pizzeria 3.0 – Ciro Cascella
Napoli 1820
Cicciotto Pizzeria
Antica Pizzeria Da Gennaro
Pizzeria Errico Porzio
Federico Guardascione
Antica Pizzeria Vesi
Gino e Toto Sorbillo
L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele
Dalle Figlie di Iorio
Lucignolo Bella Pizza

These are the artisans who for 4 days will open the doors of their homes – their pizzerias – proposing unpublished recipes and many surprises exclusively for the days of the Pizza Village, finally to be enjoyed at the table in Neapolitan restaurants!

The Southern know-how of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and its master pizza makers, after having served as a common thread for all the fans of the world, comes back to look at Vesuvius, confirming pizza as a dish that gives joy everywhere: in the street, at home and now again in the pizzeria!

Ciao e Pizza World Masterclass
Ciao and Pizza World Master Class 810 450 cmdo

Ciao and Pizza World Master Class

Ciao wants to show how the Neapolitan pizza is an extremely popular dish and does so by becoming a partner of Pizza World Master Class, the master class about the Neapolitan homemade pizza which will be held in a streaming-only event on January 17th. Find out how to join in.
Imagine a team of excellent pizza-makers, a very famous pizzeria, the art of the Neapolitan pizza – now an UNESCO World Heritage, and excellent ingredients and you will have the mosaic of Pizza World Master Class, the master class about the Neapolitan pizza that will be held strictly online to comply with the current health regulations.
How to join?
Joining is very simple: you must register using the following links

The seminar

The seminar will be held directly in Pizzeria Sorbillo, one of the most important restaurants in Naples.
Gino Sorbillo, Alessandro Condurro, Davide Civitiello, Enzo Coccia, will take turns at the workbench and at the wood oven to explain how to realize the homemade version of the most eaten dish in the world.
Pizza World Masterclass will show you the secrets of kneading and handling the dough, guiding you from the rising to the baking, in a true portrait of the Neapolitan pizza with its greatest stars.

This seminar will give the opportunity to home cooks to make a perfect pizza at home. Focusing on the home version of the pizza and the fact that you can watch it comfortably from your home are the main differences from usual similar events.

Ciao knows how the importance to show the proper techniques of the art of the Neapolitan pizza as in accordance with the principles proposed by the trade associations. Too many are the attempts of imitation and mystification of a dish that remains and will always remain Neapolitan and popular in its DNA.
See you on January 17th, don’t miss it!

Ciao è il pomodoro perfetto per la tua pizza
Why Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is perfect for your pizza 1024 576 cmdo

Why Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is perfect for your pizza

How should it be the perfect tomato for a Neapolitan pizza? Simpler pizzas like Marinara or Margherita certainly need a product with the right balance in terms of consistency, sourness, freshness and flavor. Let’s see together why Ciao is the right choice for your wood oven.

With or without precooking? And how should the crushing be? More or less dense? As Margherita and Marinara are the simplest pizzas on the menu, the few ingredients that top them must match perfectly.
So, here are some helpful tips about what to ask of the tomato you choose for your White Art.


The identikit of the perfect tomato

Some prefer to cook the tomato before seasoning their Margherita or Marinara. However, this certainly deprives of freshness and Sun flavor the final result, as it implies a second cooking step.

At the same time, there exist in kitchen acidity regulators like sugar or corn starch that although natural they certainly alter the original taste of the topping.

So why not choose a tomato 100% compliant with the AVPN regulations of the true Neapolitan pizza?

The ‘Disciplinare’ of the true Neapolitan pizza

According to the Disciplinare della Verace Pizza – the official regulations that put in writing all the principles of the art of the Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’, now recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the tomato for the Pizza Marinara and Pizza Margherita must be
Fresh or peeled
If peeled tomatoes are used, they must be chosen between the Roma or oblong and San Marzano tomatoes
and then they will have to be drained and hand-crushed to obtain the right consistency and not to alter it.

In order to choose the tomato for the Neapolitan pizza, it is therefore necessary to take into account the following parameters.

Density: considering also the addition of other ingredients and the subsequent oven cooking, the tomato should not be too liquid or too dense

Freshness: a tomato such as Ciao, processed just a few hours after the harvest, allows to preserve all the flavor of a summer product

Acidity: in this case too it is necessary to attain a balance between the sugary and acid components of the vegetables, therefore they must be preserved at the right level of ripeness

Flavor: according to the Disciplinare, tomatoes must be already salted before being put on the dough disc. This means that the freshly opened product must contain the salt quantity necessary to take into account this step that precedes the baking in the oven.

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is designed for Neapolitan and Italian traditional dishes and therefore has what it takes for an excellent pizza.

il presepe dei pizzaiuoli
Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and the Pizzaiuoli’s Nativity Crib 1024 576 cmdo

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and the Pizzaiuoli’s Nativity Crib

A nativity crib dedicated to Neapolitan pizza was something still missing in the landscape of the nativity scene art and so APN seized the opportunity given by the anniversary of the proclamation of the art of the Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’ as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity to fill this gap. Ciao could never miss the roll call! Enjoy the first nativity crib made with pizza dough!

Nothing is more Neapolitan than the two arts of the pizza makers and of the nativity crib. So this year, APN – the Neapolitan Pizza-makers Association, and the artisans of San Gregorio Armeno decided together to create a truly exceptional work that will be exhibited until January 10 in the Basilica of Saint Clare.

A Nativity

The structure is that of a traditional 18th century nativity scene with a wood base and terracotta shepherds classically dressed in silk. But on closer look, the nativity scene in the Basilica of Saint Clare is a completely new masterpiece covered with pizza dough.

“We crib artisans, together with the pizza makers of the APN, replaced the stucco with the most natural material in the world: water and flour – told us Salvatore Iasevoli, author of the work.”

Nothing is missing in the Pizzaiuoli’s nativity crib: from the iconic waterfall that characterizes the most elaborated Neapolitan craftsmanship and which carries water to the flour mills, to the domes that represent the Sedili di Napoli (the ancient administrative institutions of the city), up to a real pizzeria.

Obviously, the main topping of the Neapolitan pizza could not be missing. A space inside the Pizzaiuoli’s crib is indeed dedicated to the tomato harvest and the brand chosen is of course Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, fully representing all the characteristics of the flavors of the South.

“This nativity scene has a great value in defending traditions. The art of pizza makers and the art of the nativity scene have come together as a shield protecting the uniqueness of the Made in Italy which in both sectors is threatened by counterfeiting” – Sergio Miccú, President of APN, told us. “We hope that soon other forms of craftsmanship will be able to enjoy the protections conferred by a title such as that of Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The battle of #pizzaunesco goes on!”

risposte game
The solutions to the Pizza Game of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli 1024 576 cmdo

The solutions to the Pizza Game of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli

Great success for the quiz held by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli to celebrate the first edition of Pizza Village in Milan. Many were the participants that joined to have a say about the Neapolitan pizza. But who gave the right answers to the quiz presented by Davide Civitiello and Vincenzo Capuano and why? Here are the answers.
A true Neapolitan pizza lover knows everything about his favorite dish. That’s why we decided to put to the test the friends of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, for years now sponsor of the main events in our sector.
So we involved two pizza masters like Davide Civitiello and Vincenzo Capuano selecting with them four questions – between intuition and technique – to propose to our friends during the Milanese days of Pizza Village Home.
And you all did great.
But someone was a bit more accurate than the others, though.

Here are the four riddles and the answers to each of them.

The first quiz, presented by Davide Civitiello who was in Milan on behalf of Rossopomodoro, was:

Ciao has been the official tomato of the Naples Pizza Village for years: but how many tomatoes on average do you think was consumed in the last edition held on the Lungomare of Naples?
The answer is 15,000 kilos.
Yes, we know, it was a bit of guessing at the numbers!

The second quiz was entrusted to Vincenzo Capuano. Here is the text.

Does it take more tomato to prepare a Margherita or a Marinara?
Answer: Marinara needs more tomato. According to the Disciplinare della Verace Pizza Napoletana – the official specifications for the true Neapolitan pizza, the Marinara requires 70-100gr of tomatoes, while the Margherita 60/80gr.

We then went back to Davide for the third quiz. There it is:

As everyone knows, the best technique for preparing tomato for Neapolitan pizza is hand crushing it. Why?
Answer: Because this way the seeds are not crushed and the taste of the tomato is not impacted. For those who did not answer correctly: do not worry and just give a look to the Disciplinare.

And finally, the last quiz was given by Vincenzo Capuano:

How much salt should be added to a kilo of tomatoes to prepare the topping for a Neapolitan pizza?
The answer is 10/12g per kilo. Here you all did really well.

So here is the list of promoted.

Giuseppe Toscano

Mahmoud Talaat
Chef Antonio Bia
Giuseppe Irgiglio
Francesco Palmieri
Manuel Renzi
Agostino Nuzzi
Dino Esposito
Saba Taf (Sabatino)
Armando Fersino
Imbimbo Salvatore
Matteo Ungaro
Zanella James
Clara Sardella
Manu Mennella
Aldo Palazzo
Chef Mantini
Siamo Pizzeria
Luca D’Oria
Nunzia Strazzullo
Simone Palermo
Rubens Rexhepi
Costanzo Ylenia
Fabio Pica
Francesco Lavino
Mario Danise
Gio Coppola
Bottaro Diego
Simone Loffredo
Amedeo Lucano
Giorgio Pierfrancesco Manganella

All the others will be held back – hopefully to September, or rather there will be other opportunities to enjoy as soon as it is possible to meet again, perhaps right on the Lungomare of Naples!!
Surprises are coming!

The quiz of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli 1024 576 cmdo

The quiz of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli

To celebrate the first edition of Pizza Village in Milan, which will be held from November 5 to 8, Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli has a little surprise in store for you: a game to play together, strictly staying at home, like all the other activities of Pizza Village Home.
Here’s what will happen.
A Neapolitan-scented game is ready to greet all the friends of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and Pizza Village Home.
No masks or other protection measures are needed to play with Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli: you just need your knowledge about the Neapolitan pizza.

Four questions for as many curiosities about the Neapolitan pizza technique will go with you during the event days, from 5 to 8 November. You will find the questions in the Instagram and Facebook stories of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.
To give your answers, simply reply in Direct or Messenger.

The four quizzes will be told by two master pizza makers of excellence

Davide Civitiello of Rossopomodoro and Vincenzo Capuano of the Vincenzo Capuano Pizzeria in Naples.

These will be short open-ended questions (i.e. a simple yes or no will not be enough)
A nice surprise will reward those who will answer correctly.

So don’t miss our stories… and of course have a good pizza!