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IGP e Ciao
IGP: Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli in defense of tradition 1024 536 cmdo

IGP: Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli in defense of tradition

While preserving its mission tied to exporting the know-how of Southern Italy to more than 95 countries, Compagnia Mercantile D’Oltremare (CMDO) – with its main brand Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli – keeps a strong bond with the territory.

After all that between the tomato and Southern Italy as its chosen homeland is a long love story whose roots go back over the centuries.

Tomato arrived in Italy in the Sixteenth century as an ornamental plant being soon adopted by all Italian courts.

Its fruits were round and yellow.

In the next three centuries, thanks to the know-how of our farmers, the fertility of our land and some lucky action of Darwinian selection, tomato gradually evolved into an edible fruit, long and red.

And now we arrive at the beginning of the Nineteenth century, in Naples, where the San Marzano tomato will grow: long, red and extremely tasty.

Soon the Campanian housewives discovered that it was possible to preserve tomatoes in order to bring summer to the dining table all year round.

So at the beginning of the nineteenth century from the skills and care of the Campanian housewives the artisanal tradition of the tomato preserve was born.

It is exactly from this artisanal manufacture that the modern industrial preservation process adopted in the 1900s by Francesco Cirio comes, as testified by (and not by chance) the indication on the label of the words “Pomodoro Napoli”.

And it is this passage that makes us understand how the peeled tomato is closely tied to the canning process that makes it famous all over the world and therefore to the Neapolitan territory where it all began.

For this exact reason the founder of CMDO, Lino Cutolo, in 2014 formed a committee presided by him aimed to protect the peeled tomato and to push for the award by the European Union of the IGP status (i.e. protected geographical indication) to this unique product, making himself the promoter of the protection label.

Why do we need a trademark to protect the peeled tomato?

The IGP is a recognition that strongly binds a product to its territory. The link can be of two types

that between organoleptic characteristics of a product and its geographical origin and

the link between a processing method and the culture of the territory of origin.

As we have seen, the process of preserving long tomatoes has been closely tied to the Neapolitan tradition for more than a century, precisely because of the link between the product and the traditional preservation method borne in Campania.

People believe that Neapolitans know how to work this product better than others as Naples is the home of pizza and tomato macaroni too.

The story started in 2014 by Lino Cutolo, patron of CMDO, continues in March 2021 with the Mipaaf – the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry – accepting the request for recognition made by Campania’s canners, starting the procedure for the creation of an IGP Pelato di Napoli to protect and defend the product from unfair competition on the international markets, where Naples is practically synonym of the whole of Southern Italy.

This is a marketing operation aimed to protect the peeled tomato from possible foreign counterfeiting, putting under cover a unique way of working the tomato that gives prestige and safeguard to the entire sector of Southern Italy and agricultural processing of this product, a true prince of authenticity.

“Only by bringing the uniqueness of our know-how to the world – concludes Lino Cutolo, founder of CMDO – will we be able to give new breath to a market that is strongly at risk of decline, but which deserves all the laurels of the identity that only tradition can give!

Pizza Village
Pizza Village and Ciao: back to Naples 810 450 cmdo

Pizza Village and Ciao: back to Naples

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli continues its tour to tell the world about the ancient Neapolitan recipe of the truest pizza and does so as the protagonist of Pizza Village, obviously in a safely manner as required by these social distancing times. Here is the road map of the journey and the next stages.

Ciao is at the forefront of the new Napoli Pizza Village format too: Pizza Village Home, which aims to bring a slice of Naples to the whole world, always in full safety!
Ciao’s role has been and will continue to be that of the official tomato of the veracity of Neapolitan pizza in all the stages of its world tour.

Palermo and
New York
These are the routes covered so far by the delivery version of the pizza format that combines tradition and innovation.
Tradition is that of a simple and ancient recipe just as simple and ancient as are the ingredients used to make it. Innovation is that of a different way of telling the story, wherever it is enjoyed through new ways of interaction.

However, after so much going around, now is time to return home, to Naples.
The new leg of the tour, the most eagerly awaited, will therefore be the capital of Campania, on June 3-6.

Vincenzo Capuano
I Re di Napoli
Pizzeria 3.0 – Ciro Cascella
Napoli 1820
Cicciotto Pizzeria
Antica Pizzeria Da Gennaro
Pizzeria Errico Porzio
Federico Guardascione
Antica Pizzeria Vesi
Gino e Toto Sorbillo
L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele
Dalle Figlie di Iorio
Lucignolo Bella Pizza

These are the artisans who for 4 days will open the doors of their homes – their pizzerias – proposing unpublished recipes and many surprises exclusively for the days of the Pizza Village, finally to be enjoyed at the table in Neapolitan restaurants!

The Southern know-how of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and its master pizza makers, after having served as a common thread for all the fans of the world, comes back to look at Vesuvius, confirming pizza as a dish that gives joy everywhere: in the street, at home and now again in the pizzeria!

Il giro del mondo Ciao
The world tour in more than 90 countries of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli 810 450 cmdo

The world tour in more than 90 countries of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is part of the group CMDO (Compagnia Mercantile D’Oltremare), a company whose name – overseas mercantile company – in and of itself suggests a very special mission: to bring the excellence of Southern Italy around the world. But where exactly? Find out here.
Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is a company with its roots in the deep tradition of canning craftsmanship: a true pillar of the Southern Italy’s popular culture.
In the South of Italy, the homemade tomato sauce preparation (“Fare le bottiglie” as we say and which literally means ‘Do the bottles’) is still a ritual, a midsummer family tradition.
The Agro Nocerino Sarnese area is the heart of this ancient excellence that lets us offer the taste of the summer months all over the year.
Such know-how could not remain unknown to the world. And so, as early as the late 1970s, the company decided to offer the best of Southern Italy beyond the country’s borders and today the brand of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli brand is present in 93 countries all over the world.


The CMDO’s sailing ship has docked at ports on all five continents.
From the United States to the Middle East, from Australia to Japan: Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is sought after by artisans across the globe.

The countries of Ciao’s world

So here is the complete distribution list beyond Italy.
And you? What city are you from? Find your city and taste our flavors!

Ciao e Pizza World Masterclass
Ciao and Pizza World Master Class 810 450 cmdo

Ciao and Pizza World Master Class

Ciao wants to show how the Neapolitan pizza is an extremely popular dish and does so by becoming a partner of Pizza World Master Class, the master class about the Neapolitan homemade pizza which will be held in a streaming-only event on January 17th. Find out how to join in.
Imagine a team of excellent pizza-makers, a very famous pizzeria, the art of the Neapolitan pizza – now an UNESCO World Heritage, and excellent ingredients and you will have the mosaic of Pizza World Master Class, the master class about the Neapolitan pizza that will be held strictly online to comply with the current health regulations.
How to join?
Joining is very simple: you must register using the following links

The seminar

The seminar will be held directly in Pizzeria Sorbillo, one of the most important restaurants in Naples.
Gino Sorbillo, Alessandro Condurro, Davide Civitiello, Enzo Coccia, will take turns at the workbench and at the wood oven to explain how to realize the homemade version of the most eaten dish in the world.
Pizza World Masterclass will show you the secrets of kneading and handling the dough, guiding you from the rising to the baking, in a true portrait of the Neapolitan pizza with its greatest stars.

This seminar will give the opportunity to home cooks to make a perfect pizza at home. Focusing on the home version of the pizza and the fact that you can watch it comfortably from your home are the main differences from usual similar events.

Ciao knows how the importance to show the proper techniques of the art of the Neapolitan pizza as in accordance with the principles proposed by the trade associations. Too many are the attempts of imitation and mystification of a dish that remains and will always remain Neapolitan and popular in its DNA.
See you on January 17th, don’t miss it!

Ciao è il pomodoro perfetto per la tua pizza
Why Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is perfect for your pizza 1024 576 cmdo

Why Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is perfect for your pizza

How should it be the perfect tomato for a Neapolitan pizza? Simpler pizzas like Marinara or Margherita certainly need a product with the right balance in terms of consistency, sourness, freshness and flavor. Let’s see together why Ciao is the right choice for your wood oven.

With or without precooking? And how should the crushing be? More or less dense? As Margherita and Marinara are the simplest pizzas on the menu, the few ingredients that top them must match perfectly.
So, here are some helpful tips about what to ask of the tomato you choose for your White Art.


The identikit of the perfect tomato

Some prefer to cook the tomato before seasoning their Margherita or Marinara. However, this certainly deprives of freshness and Sun flavor the final result, as it implies a second cooking step.

At the same time, there exist in kitchen acidity regulators like sugar or corn starch that although natural they certainly alter the original taste of the topping.

So why not choose a tomato 100% compliant with the AVPN regulations of the true Neapolitan pizza?

The ‘Disciplinare’ of the true Neapolitan pizza

According to the Disciplinare della Verace Pizza – the official regulations that put in writing all the principles of the art of the Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’, now recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the tomato for the Pizza Marinara and Pizza Margherita must be
Fresh or peeled
If peeled tomatoes are used, they must be chosen between the Roma or oblong and San Marzano tomatoes
and then they will have to be drained and hand-crushed to obtain the right consistency and not to alter it.

In order to choose the tomato for the Neapolitan pizza, it is therefore necessary to take into account the following parameters.

Density: considering also the addition of other ingredients and the subsequent oven cooking, the tomato should not be too liquid or too dense

Freshness: a tomato such as Ciao, processed just a few hours after the harvest, allows to preserve all the flavor of a summer product

Acidity: in this case too it is necessary to attain a balance between the sugary and acid components of the vegetables, therefore they must be preserved at the right level of ripeness

Flavor: according to the Disciplinare, tomatoes must be already salted before being put on the dough disc. This means that the freshly opened product must contain the salt quantity necessary to take into account this step that precedes the baking in the oven.

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is designed for Neapolitan and Italian traditional dishes and therefore has what it takes for an excellent pizza.

ciao è perfetta per il ragù
Why Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is perfect for your ragu 1024 576 cmdo

Why Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is perfect for your ragu

Ragu in Naples is a must that is prepared well in advance and is eaten on Sundays. What makes the difference is its very long cooking time. That’s exactly why for it we need a selected raw material that keeps and enhances its characteristics during this process. The tomato puree from Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli has what it takes for a perfect ragu. Here is why.

Pork chops, gnocchi, baked pasta, meatballs or simply broken ziti: ragu is the tradition par excellence on the Neapolitan festive dining table.

A so great uniqueness needs a tomato that best expresses all the characteristics of the Neapolitan style that this sauce enhances. From patience to vitality, through complexity and versatility, the ragu expresses Naples to 360 degrees and only a tomato that comes from the South of Italy can hold its so many nuances.

Tomato puree and tomato pasta are the flagships ingredients that together with the meat that make the Neapolitan ragu so an unmatched recipe.

To hold the hours long cooking time of this sauce, the tomato puree must be :

  • dense,
  • compact,
  • sweet,
  • slightly acidic,
  • with a fresh and natural tomato flavor,
  • and without adding anything else.


This identikit of the perfect sauce for the ragu goes well with the characteristics of the tomato puree made by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli with only partially evaporated tomato juice.

To guarantee their fresh and sweet taste, the tomatoes are harvested at the right point of ripeness and processed after just a few hours to keep all the specificities of the climatic environment of the South of Italy. The tomato puree from Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is therefore an excellent help in the kitchen, but above all it is suitable for the preparation of any traditional recipes.

risposte game
The solutions to the Pizza Game of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli 1024 576 cmdo

The solutions to the Pizza Game of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli

Great success for the quiz held by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli to celebrate the first edition of Pizza Village in Milan. Many were the participants that joined to have a say about the Neapolitan pizza. But who gave the right answers to the quiz presented by Davide Civitiello and Vincenzo Capuano and why? Here are the answers.
A true Neapolitan pizza lover knows everything about his favorite dish. That’s why we decided to put to the test the friends of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, for years now sponsor of the main events in our sector.
So we involved two pizza masters like Davide Civitiello and Vincenzo Capuano selecting with them four questions – between intuition and technique – to propose to our friends during the Milanese days of Pizza Village Home.
And you all did great.
But someone was a bit more accurate than the others, though.

Here are the four riddles and the answers to each of them.

The first quiz, presented by Davide Civitiello who was in Milan on behalf of Rossopomodoro, was:

Ciao has been the official tomato of the Naples Pizza Village for years: but how many tomatoes on average do you think was consumed in the last edition held on the Lungomare of Naples?
The answer is 15,000 kilos.
Yes, we know, it was a bit of guessing at the numbers!

The second quiz was entrusted to Vincenzo Capuano. Here is the text.

Does it take more tomato to prepare a Margherita or a Marinara?
Answer: Marinara needs more tomato. According to the Disciplinare della Verace Pizza Napoletana – the official specifications for the true Neapolitan pizza, the Marinara requires 70-100gr of tomatoes, while the Margherita 60/80gr.

We then went back to Davide for the third quiz. There it is:

As everyone knows, the best technique for preparing tomato for Neapolitan pizza is hand crushing it. Why?
Answer: Because this way the seeds are not crushed and the taste of the tomato is not impacted. For those who did not answer correctly: do not worry and just give a look to the Disciplinare.

And finally, the last quiz was given by Vincenzo Capuano:

How much salt should be added to a kilo of tomatoes to prepare the topping for a Neapolitan pizza?
The answer is 10/12g per kilo. Here you all did really well.

So here is the list of promoted.

Giuseppe Toscano

Mahmoud Talaat
Chef Antonio Bia
Giuseppe Irgiglio
Francesco Palmieri
Manuel Renzi
Agostino Nuzzi
Dino Esposito
Saba Taf (Sabatino)
Armando Fersino
Imbimbo Salvatore
Matteo Ungaro
Zanella James
Clara Sardella
Manu Mennella
Aldo Palazzo
Chef Mantini
Siamo Pizzeria
Luca D’Oria
Nunzia Strazzullo
Simone Palermo
Rubens Rexhepi
Costanzo Ylenia
Fabio Pica
Francesco Lavino
Mario Danise
Gio Coppola
Bottaro Diego
Simone Loffredo
Amedeo Lucano
Giorgio Pierfrancesco Manganella

All the others will be held back – hopefully to September, or rather there will be other opportunities to enjoy as soon as it is possible to meet again, perhaps right on the Lungomare of Naples!!
Surprises are coming!

The quiz of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli 1024 576 cmdo

The quiz of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli

To celebrate the first edition of Pizza Village in Milan, which will be held from November 5 to 8, Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli has a little surprise in store for you: a game to play together, strictly staying at home, like all the other activities of Pizza Village Home.
Here’s what will happen.
A Neapolitan-scented game is ready to greet all the friends of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and Pizza Village Home.
No masks or other protection measures are needed to play with Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli: you just need your knowledge about the Neapolitan pizza.

Four questions for as many curiosities about the Neapolitan pizza technique will go with you during the event days, from 5 to 8 November. You will find the questions in the Instagram and Facebook stories of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.
To give your answers, simply reply in Direct or Messenger.

The four quizzes will be told by two master pizza makers of excellence

Davide Civitiello of Rossopomodoro and Vincenzo Capuano of the Vincenzo Capuano Pizzeria in Naples.

These will be short open-ended questions (i.e. a simple yes or no will not be enough)
A nice surprise will reward those who will answer correctly.

So don’t miss our stories… and of course have a good pizza!

Pizza Village Home
Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is the protagonist of Pizza Village Home 1024 536 cmdo

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is the protagonist of Pizza Village Home

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli is the protagonist of Pizza Village Home, the new and strictly social distancing-proof edition of the Napoli Pizza Village which will take place from 5 to 8 November 2020, thanks to Glovo’s contribution too. Find out how the Madonnina of Milan Cathedral and Saint Januarius Patron Saint of Naples can meet in an event!

A true Neapolitan pizza, prepared by the best Neapolitan pizza makers in the traditional or gluten-free version, and naturally enriched by the unique flavors of Ciao tomatoes: this is the identikit of the pizza ready to taste at the Pizza Village Home directly from the comfort of your home. In short, a pizza equal in all respects to that of the Napoli Pizza Village, but without the need of taking the train to reach Campania.


Just book your preferred specialties on and have it delivered to your home.
The Neapolitan pizza makers are ready to leave for the Lombard capital to revive the party atmosphere that only the Neapolitan pizza and the Napoli Pizza Village can give.

Ready to join?

To do it just stay at home, use Glovo, choose a pizza prepared with Ciao tomatoes and wait for delivery!
You will receive at your home a handy box with so many products to taste, including our peeled tomatoes!
The event will be accompanied by a number of other social media events.
Follow us on the Facebook page of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and on the home page of Pizza Village Home to discover them with us!

accademia niko romito
The fitting partnership between the Niko Romito Academy and Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli 1024 536 cmdo

The fitting partnership between the Niko Romito Academy and Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli

The fitting partnership between the Niko Romito Academy and Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli aimed to explore all the frontiers of taste is stronger and stronger! This is where you can fully savor all the creativity of the red-dressed cuisine.

The marriage between the professionalism of the chefs of the Niko Romito Academy and the products from the land of Vesuvius made by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli gets happier and happier.

The partnership

A mixed partnership revolving around the catering and cooking courses of the Advanced Training and Professional Specialization School and the four taste corners of the Academy where you can explore all the creativity of the chefs and students of Niko Romito’s team.

Four are indeed the restaurants directly linked to the Niko Romito Academy where you can experience all the versatility of the products from Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.

The reastaurant

– Spazio Niko Romito Bar e Cucina in Rome: Niko Romito’s Italian bar which combines pub with home kitchen, tea room, cafeteria, dessert corner, bakery and food shop.

– Spazio Rivisondoli: A place full of memories where the cuisine linked to the territory is king

– Spazio Niko Romito Milano: A place of choice just a stone’s throw from the Duomo combining intimacy and elegance in the kitchen too

– Alt la Stazione del Gusto in Castel di Sangro: An informal space for a break during a journey, from breakfast to snack, up to the purchase of take-away specialties

The tomato-based dishes served in all of the Niko Romito Academy’s taste corners are made with products by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli.

For those wishing to experience all the creativity in the kitchen hidden in an aluminum tin, all that remains is to book a seat at the table!